A knock rapped in a 7 beat rhythm at the door, and the sound of a turning key clicked in the latch.  Kyu turned apprehensively.  A middle-aged man with what might be called professor’s hair walked in, a thorough intentness scoring his face.  “I don’t suppose you remember me?”

Kyu jolted. “Nuh-no, no.”  

“Yes, well that’s what the 9-Square does.  Causes you to forget.”  

“9-Square?  What?  What the fuck is going on here?  I think I almost drowned and I woke up here with my clothes torn to shit.”  

The man paused for a moment while a mixture of exasperation and pity passed like pop-up advertisements across his face.  “I intended it to be a way of bringing people revelations…”

Then the look of intent hurriedness reclaimed his features.  Clearly he had no intention of explaining.  “Look, Kyu, we don’t have much time.  I need you to follow me back into the 9-Square.” 

He pulled out a white VR helmet, identical to the one Kyu had seen falling above him before the river.  “My name is Val Lenny.  I study virtual reality as a means of psychological liberation.  You are my research assistant Kyu Okamoto.  Either you put this on or you may never escape this false world.”  

Kyu’s eyes snapped wide as he felt his memory jolt— 

As the reader you must now decide:

[A.) Restart at 1 Square, or

B.) Step outside of the 9-Square grid and recall an old academic paper kept in the box in the corner]